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The Emery Newspaper
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Print editions can be in the newspaper stands outside the cafeteria and the library. A PDF of each issue can be found: Here Awards 2020The Emery Newspaper received a Spartan award! (we were one of 14 schools to receive this award)
The Huron Emery Website also received a Spartan award! (only three schools received one this year) The Spartan Award is the top award a publication can win in the state. If you would like to watch the presentation go here: |
2020 Individual Awards
The Michigan Interscholastic Press Association’s 2020 Awards proved to be the most successful awards to date for The Huron Emery publication, bringing in a total of 39 individual awards! The staff earned four first place finishes, six second place finishes, seven third place finishes, and 22 honorable mentions. Special shoutouts go to Julie Heng (14 awards), Maya Kogulan (8 awards), and Sami Ruud (3 awards).
Julie Heng was named Journalist of the Year for the state of Michigan and a national finalist for the Journalism Education Association. She was also named to the ALL-Journalism staff as the ALL-MIPA award winner for Writing and Reporting.
The Michigan Interscholastic Press Association’s 2020 Awards proved to be the most successful awards to date for The Huron Emery publication, bringing in a total of 39 individual awards! The staff earned four first place finishes, six second place finishes, seven third place finishes, and 22 honorable mentions. Special shoutouts go to Julie Heng (14 awards), Maya Kogulan (8 awards), and Sami Ruud (3 awards).
Julie Heng was named Journalist of the Year for the state of Michigan and a national finalist for the Journalism Education Association. She was also named to the ALL-Journalism staff as the ALL-MIPA award winner for Writing and Reporting.
2020 MIPA Awards Results:
Eric Heng - 1st Place Feature Columnist Juan Gonzalez - 1st Place News Brief Julie Heng - 1st Place Editorial Opinion Page or Spread Shannon Stocking - 1st Place Alternative Story Form Sami Ruud - 2nd Place Front Page News Design Julie Heng - 2nd Place News Analysis Daniel Hou and Ben Zhou - 2nd Place Interactive Graphic Nathan Penoyar - 2nd Place Feature Columnist Austin Aldrich - 2nd Place Diversity Coverage Shannon Stocking - 2nd Place Alternative Story Form Eric Heng - 3rd Place Bylined Opinion Article Aaron Garrett - 3rd Place Personal Narrative Clara Bowman - 3rd Place Environment, Health, Science Story Julie Heng - 3rd Place Information Graphic Julie Heng - 3rd Place Editorial Opinion Page or Spread Nathan Penoyer and Glory Bradley - 3rd Place Pro-Con Editorial Column Julie Heng, Gray-Felisa Snyder, Noah Flott, Bertrand Chu - 3rd Place In-Depth Feature Israel Cardenas, Julie Heng, Manit Patel - Honorable Mention Editorial Kaitlyn Sabb and Julie Heng - Honorable Mention In-Depth Feature |
Sami Ruud - Honorable Mention News Analysis
Vish Gondesi - Honorable Mention News Brief Julie Park and Blake Mundy - Honorable Mention Feature Page Sami Ruud - Honorable Mention Sports Page Julie Heng - Honorable Mention Illustration Julie Heng - Honorable Mention Story Package Maya Kogulan - Honorable Mention News Page Julie Heng and Maya Kogulan - Honorable Mention Entertainment Page Julie Heng - Honorable Mention News Story Ridhima Kodali - Honorable Mention News Story Austin Aldrich - Honorable Mention Human Interest Feature Maya Kogulan - Honorable Mention Personal Narrative Tyree Hall - Honorable Mention Sports Feature Photo Maya Kogulan - Honorable Mention News Feature Photo Maya Kogulan - Honorable Mention News Feature Photo Julie Heng - Honorable Mention Sports Action Photo Julie Heng - Honorable Mention Sports Feature Photo Maya Kogulan - Honorable Mention Environmental Portrait Maya Kogulan - Honorable Mention Photo Story Maya Kogulan - Honorable Mention Photo Story |
Awards 2019
The newspaper earned over all GOLD ranking for the 2018-2019 school year.
JACK HARRISON was named the ALL-MIPA award winner for writing and reporting. INDIVIDUAL AWARDS Online Breaking News Coverage 1st Place: Sami Ruud News Story 1st Place: Austin AldrichT Bylined Opinion Article 1st Place: Charlotte Bunch Feature Columnist1st PlaceJack HarrisonThe EmeryConservative Corner: "Defining my Own Principle and Learning a Lesson" and "The Politics of Our Judiciary System" Personal Narrative1st PlaceShannon StockingThe EmeryDollar store pencils Personality Profile1st PlaceJulie HengThe EmeryCrossword celebrity: thirteen letters down Sports Feature Photo1st PlaceManit PatelThe EmeryVolume 4 Issue 4 Page 10, Photo 1 Environmental Portrait1st PlaceSonali NarayanThe EmeryVolume 4 Issue 2 Page 7, Kyle Huehn Entertainment Page/Spread2nd PlaceLouise Depa & Julie HengThe EmeryVolume 4 Issue 3 Page 2 Entertainment Spread Pro/Con Editorial Columns2nd PlaceManit Patel & Austin AldrichThe Emery"The Little Giant, Drew Brees" and "Tom Brady: undisputed GOAT" Humor2nd PlaceJulie Heng & Sami RuudThe EmeryTeachers react to rate my teachers: ep. 1 Front Page/Newspaper Style3rd PlaceJulie HengThe EmeryLead Pipe Front Page Sports Page/Spread3rd PlaceLouise Depa, Julie Heng & David ShenThe EmeryOpposing Viewpoints Sports Spread Entertainment Page/Spread3rd PlaceJulie Heng & Cierra SlaterThe EmeryVolume 4 Issue 4 Page 9 Entertainment Spread News Brief3rd PlaceSami RuudThe EmeryBreaking records Human Interest Feature3rd PlaceJulie HengThe EmeryTwo of English teacher R. J. Fox's books to be produced as full-length feature films Environmental Portrait3rd PlaceJulie HengThe EmeryPortrait of Peter Collins Editorial CartoonHonorable MentionBill BeauneThe EmeryRoute 66 is getting crowded IllustrationHonorable MentionSonali NarayanThe EmeryLead Crisis Faucet IllustrationHonorable MentionJulie HengThe EmeryStandardized Testing Desk Editorial Opinion Page/SpreadHonorable MentionJulie HengThe EmeryBlock Scheduling Opinion Page Feature Page/SpreadHonorable MentionJulie Heng & Louise DepaThe EmeryProposal 1 Feature Spread EditorialHonorable MentionKatherine Gurgenian & Kara KozmaThe EmeryParents: please be courteous about the senior lot ReviewHonorable MentionDavid ShenThe EmeryBohemian Rhapsody: mediocre or masterpiece? Pro/Con Editorial ColumnsHonorable MentionJack Harrison & Nick RauThe EmeryProposal 1 Pro/Con In-Depth FeatureHonorable MentionRitvik JillalaThe EmeryDeer cull: is it humane? Human Interest FeatureHonorable MentionJack HarrisonThe EmeryTurning something simple into a success Alternative Story FormHonorable MentionJulie HengThe EmeryMeet our new teachers! Sports News StoryHonorable MentionManit PatelThe EmeryHuron basketball not rebuilding team, just reloading lineup Sports Action PhotoHonorable MentionManit PatelThe EmeryVolume 4, Issue 4, Page 10 - Reach for the Sky News/Feature PhotoHonorable MentionJulie HengThe EmeryStudent walkout football field shot News/Feature PhotoHonorable MentionSami RuudThe EmeryStudents fight back: loudspeaker photo Photo StoryHonorable MentionAriel Dorogi & Kara KozmaThe EmeryViews from the Wayne County Fair Awards 2018 |
Individual award winners:
Sports feature story: HM Sami Ruud Front Page design: 2nd place Jack Harrison and Julie Heng Editorial/opinion page design: HM Kara Kozma Entertainment page design: 2nd place Shannon Stocking News brief: HM George White News Analysis: HM Julie Heng Bylined opinion article: Julie Heng Review: 3rd place Julie Heng Bylined opinion article: Jack Harrison Feature columnist: 2nd place Jack Harrison |
Informative feature: HM Caitlin Kaleta
Human interest feature: HM Julie Heng Sports action photo: 3rd place Sami Ruud Sports feature photo: HM Shamim Wambere News/feature photo: 3rd place Gena Harris Photo story: HM Adel Middaugh & Jack Harrison Personal Narrative: 2nd place Alyssa Salamin Personality Profile: HM Eilyn Sanabria Alternative story form: 2nd place Shannon Stocking Sports feature story: HM Sami Ruud Sports news story: HM Sami Ruud |
Awards 2017~
Congratulations to the 2016-2017 staff who was awarded a Gold Award from MIPA. The newspaper was judged on over-all coverage, writing, editing, photography, editorials and design.
The Emery also brought home 13 individual awards:
Story Package: Honorable Mention- Jordyn Hugan and Gena Harris
Sports Feature Photo: Honorable Mention-Selestina Bandas
Editorial: Honorable Mention-Harley Hagen
Feature Columnist: Honorable Mention- Jack Harrison
Review: Second Place- Kara Kozma
News Analysis: Second Place- Waleed Vaid
News Analysis: First Place- Alexa Parez-Bermudez
Illustration: Third Place- Karley Misek
News Feature Photo: First Place- Gray Snyder
Photo Story: Honorable Mention- Amaris Booze
Editorial Cartoon: Honorable Mention- Katherine Gurgenian
Personal Narrative: Honorable Mention- Karley Misek
Informative Feature: Honorable Mention – George White and Shannon Stocking
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